Saturday, January 10, 2009

What? School on a Saturday?

This week has been a bit hectic, not uncommon for us lately. We had things going on Wednesday and Friday, so Lauren did not do real school those two days, she did basic things but we did not sit down and do school.

Well since we homeschool, we are using a calendar to count our days, in Michigan there is no reporting, so I just like to keep track of what we do with a sticker chart for my peace of mind (and I save almost all her work) anyhow, she wanted to put a sticker on her calendar, to do that, she needed to do school, so she did her daily amount of work to earn a sticker and got a Saturday sticker.

I was amazed that she wanted to do school at all most days its like pulling teeth to get her to do what is required let alone offer to do it of her own volition.

It felt good.

I have been feeling really rundown lately and the extra 6 inches of snow in two days isn't helping my aching body at all. My leg has required a hand to help guide it into place too much and the pain is rediculous.
I don't know how much longer I can deal with this, its been hard, but is getting harder by the day.

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