- House Work
- School Work
Today we have to get the house in order, tomorrow is garbage day and my housekeeping is sorely lacking but its getting better, today I am tackling our Master Bedroom and it will also be becoming the school room (yes, my poor master bedroom is going to be multitasking, but its way more space than we need for JUST sleeping.
One thing, my desk is moving in there so I can start going to bed at a decent hour When DH goes to bed, if I go to bed too, then I am not tired all day...at the very least the puter wont be the temptation to stay up. The AC is also going in there because it directs the air better and will share with the livingroom just fine)
For School Work, We are working on setting up our homeschool for this fall. When I was a child, we planned for school that stared in September, now, the supplies are sold mid July, we are pretty well stocked though, we have 24 notebooks, Chisel Tip erasers, 10 boxes of crayons, and more writing paper than you can imagine, oh and 4 binders (which will be enough for this year) All we still need are Pocket folders, pencils, and Glue. I think the best part of all we have purchased for this year is that the grand total was only about $10. My local homeschool store has a sale going on that will help with all but the pocket folders coming up on August 3rd.
We are homeschooling Kindergarten/first Grade this year with Bug.
For Curriculum our bases are Horizons K Math and Horizons 1st Phonics. We are also using Free Printables from KidZone and Donna Young for handwriting. The Daily work will be the 3Rs and we will do a hodge Podge of Unit Studies, Games, and just fun for History, Geography, and Science. For Bible, we use Keys for Kids as the devotions and will be aiming for bug to memorize one verse per week.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Day.