Monday, August 13, 2007


Didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I did do better than I had been doing.
We did eat out of the pantry almost all week (short of Thursday, which My sisters kitty had to be put down) I just was incapable of cooking, thinking or much else.
Its hard to believe that you could be so sad over a CAT, and an 18 year old cat at that. That is VERY old for a cat, he was well loved.

Today we have had a good day, But is napping right now, she did a lot of school today for her, we don't over do the school at this point, I don't want her NOT liking school because its too work intensive. She did a Math worksheet, then a handwriting sheet as well as art (finger paint and cut and paste)

We are still focusing on the writing as its SO challenging for her. I hate seeing her so frustrated, but I know she will get it when she is supposed to.

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