Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Unique Gift

Last night I received a unique gift, a phone call from a VERY good friend of mine.

What's so unique about this gift? We only seem to talk when something is bothering one or the other of us, ironically, its NEVER the bothered one that makes the call.

We have been friends since 1995 when we went to college in Tennessee together. I was the Maid of Honor in her wedding in 1997, but we barely spoke during the early months of 1996....she was angry with me and all I could do was pray and wait....when I had some struggles later, she would call me just to share that she was praying.

Over time this has become our very strong bond, God lays one of us on the others heart, usually when we need that friendship most and its always right there just as if it had NEVER been apart.

A month or so ago she had a really tough time and she was on my heart two days before she lost her job....I delayed calling because she was working (or so I thought) and when I did call, we talked about lots of other stresses too that had been bothering her.
This weekend it was me on her heart, ironically it was after my most stressful week praying about the Lupus and other CTD's.

Isn't it amazing how God always gives us what we need RIGHT when we need it?

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