Yesterday Crystal challenged us to get a morning routine in place. This was very difficult for me til I realized that almost every morning I do the exact same things.
DH gets up for work at 5am, he leaves by 5:30am
While he is getting ready for work, I do the following.
I get up and dressed
I go into the kitchen, get our DH's breakfast bowl and spoon (most days he has cereal because of time constraints)
After his breakfast is all set up, I then make his lunch and prepare his water bottles.
At that point we do our goodbyes and I come back to our room that is generally my prayer time to get ready for the day.
She also had us attack our Entryway, well, we technically don't have an entryway, you walk in the front door and straight into our living room. When I started there, I realized that my lovely little Bug had completely taken over our entire downstairs. This tackle will take me quite a while to work through, so I was thrilled when Crystal had moved into the living room today. We are taking a day of very little school and going to finish cleaning the living room, I will post a picture when its all done.
So far, We got all laundry and all toys out of the living room. Today we will finish picking up the papers and garbage that never seems to make it into the can. Then I will sort the school stuff and rearrange the furniture.
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