Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Show must Go on

Today I am tired of feeling overwhelmed, I am tired of fighting with DH over things that should NEVER be an issue, and I am tired of Lauren choosing to argue rather than cooperate when it comes to school time.

So today, life must go on... Yesterday, I accomplished very little, 15 minutes worth of work, no proof that I did anything and misery for the remainder of the day, so today my plans are a bit different.
I need to realize my limitations, keep my stress levels low, because when I don't I pay for it dearly and my family does as well.

This morning, I am going to complete the dishes in my sink...no matter how many loads I wash, it seems that it is always full. I changed out the trash bag in the kitchen can, I will fill the second bag so it can go to the curb this evening.

This afternoon, Lauren and I are going to do school, because she had a half a week off last week, we are going to keep it simple and just work on her phonics and reading comprehension. Tomorrow we will work on the math and handwriting. She is up to lesson 9 in her 1st grade Phonics program, I cannot believe she is already that far. In math she is working her way through Kindergarten but doing 2-3 lessons at a time.
In January we will be adding in Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts, but so far those have not been a priority for us.

Our family has been kind of overwhelmed in spiritual battles right now, but I will post more about that later...yes, its strong on my mind, but right now, I need to go feed Lauren, and get to work before I lose what little energy I have left.

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