Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's Almost Finished

The biggest part of our move was completed this weekend, boy are we all exhausted.

I like this area MUCH better than where we were, although I hear traffic on the main road behind us, the neighborhood is really nice and the people seem a lot different than where we were before.
Ironically the main road behind us is a state Highway and we only have traffic during before work hours and after work, not much during the day or evening at all.

A 5 mile trip in town took us more than 20 minutes, now it takes about 6...its so different.

Today we are heading into town with Chris, I have a chiropractor appointment this morning and then we are going to go do laundry and check on lots of little things while we are out, I am hoping to get some more kitchen stuff out here to the new house then hopefully Friday we can get a little more then be just about done.

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