Normally we have very slow weekends around here.
Chris has had 3 weeks of very little work on Fridays, I hated that, it was so stressful not knowing when he was going back on 40 hours.
This past week though, he worked 40, and we had a very busy weekend as well.
Saturday we made an offer on a mobile home about 20 miles north of here, its a bit smaller than our house and MUCH MUCH less expensive.
We are waiting to hear what happened with it though. She said we should hear something today.
Then on Sunday we did some errands because I wasn't feeling up to going to church, I can only sit or stand for about 5 minutes without needing to move around. Its definitely not fun being in a lot of pain, but it did help us get the errands done since I couldn't do them alone.
We went to Sam's and got Peanut Butter and Jelly, Strawberries (that are the size of small apples), bananas, Sausages for Chris's breakfast and granola bars. I then hit our local store and saved a lot of money with their 47 cent sale, stocked up on canned goods since I do not want to go shopping again for a week or more.
I feel we did quite a bit and am glad that we got everything done effeciently.