Today was a great day at Physical Therapy. I learned I am still not quite ready for a cane and still need the walker for a little longer, but we are going to practice that more next week.
I took 1000 steps on the nustep at Level 2, I like a tangible goal, Tuesday I was in so much pain I barely made 500 steps. I also managed to average about 90 steps per minute...that was just very exciting to me.
We graduated to the green hurdles, I still don't like hurdles, and next week we may not be using them because of the practice walking one handed. I also am working on lunges and steps.
Its so nice to leave there in immense pain because my body is improving daily.
I guess every once in a while you have to look at where you came from to see the progress.
I have been going to outpatient Physical therapy for 5 weeks now. When I started I was in tears after doing many of the exercises. The NuStep, I made all of 122 steps in over 10 minutes, and I was in so much pain I didn't think I would be able to do ANYTHING ever again. I was doing all basic exercises like kicking, stretching, and then some mat exercises. Now, I do those same exercises at home, and am getting new things in Therapy. I am excited by seeing how far I have come.
I wasn't even wearing shoes til 3 weeks ago. And how exciting of a day was that.
God has been so good to me through this. He has put people in my life that I can talk to about him or that could minister to me through the stress. He has given me an awesome church to attend, with an awesome pastor and lots of people who really took the time to care about me while I was gone and now that I am back.
He protected me when my lungs weren't getting enough oxygen and when my heart stopped. God has graced me with his presense every time I notice that the headaches are getting Really bad. There is no better feeling than to know that God is going to use this experience to really bless someone else.
Its just an awesome day and I am so glad that This is the Day the Lord has made, I just had to rejoice and be glad in it.