I am proud of myself, We ate at home today, I followed my menu plan (I am really bad about those), but I NEED to stick with it right now since we just lost a days worth of pay.
Tomorrow we are kinda taking a day off of school to clean the kitchen and livingroom. My mother in law will be here on Tuesday and it must be done before she comes. Its not going to take us all day, but I will reward Lauren for what gets done since she will be doing most of the work. We call it Home Economics, since she gets to help cook as well as clean. I was never taught those skills so I feel that these days are almost more important in our school days.
I found a really cool step by step how to clean here
that we have been using. It has made it a LOT easier to get through even though it takes us more than 15 minutes per room.
Our goal is not perfection at this point, but rather comsistency.
Now Mother in law wont say anything about my house because of my health at this point, but I would rather have it very VERY presentable for her anyhow. She is coming to take me to my MRI's on Tuesday morning, I have to be in Downtown Detroit at 8am, that feels SO early since the original appointment was scheduled for 8:45am.
I will get the results at my May 12th appointment, It seems eons away but I have to remember I have to see the Neuro-Opthalmologist first, and I see him May 5th.