Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today I saw

The pulmonologist, Even though I gained the weight that I had lost back, she was not upset with me, more concerned than anything.

We talked alot, my Pulmonary Function Test from the middle of March came back pretty good, meaning the only abnormalities were due to the weight, yay, if I lose the weight, I will breathe easier.

She adjusted my CPAP machine down to a 10 and we are changing masks because this one isn't quite working the way we need it to.

And the BEST part, I don't go back til July 30th. I like that that date is SO far in the future.

Yesterday I had a good day at therapy, we walked with a cane, thats HARD. I did the Green Hurdles and Level 3 on the NuStep She is also having me practice lunges not going very well though. All in all, it was a good day.

Tonight, dinner is in the oven, smelling really good, we are having Chicken, baked potatoes and corn. Then Lauren and I are off to church.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Great Sunflower Project

Our summer is usually a mix of school forms, we don't believe you should ever stop learning just because there is a weather change.

Usually its some sort of nature study, since we garden most years. Since this year we won't be gardening (I can't maintain a garden when I can barely go outside) we will be participating in the Great Sunflower Project. Shelly posted it on our Homeschool group, and I went and did some research.

We signed up and Lauren is thrilled to learn about bees. She has always been very scared of them, she has never been stung, but still its always something she has feared. We talked about how learning about somethings helps us to be less afraid.
We have about 4 or 5 pots that will be happy to have sunflowers in them this year. So now our summer will be two things, The Sunflower project and math. And she has an excuse to plant her favorite flowers, which will make for a very happy little girl.

Back to Reality

After a rough Saturday, Sunday brought me back to where I needed to be then we are back to reality with the weekly routine.

Yesterday was amazing. I had had such a rough day on Saturday with everyone having attitude issues throughout the day, including me. I came home and put on my rhapsody (thats where I have all my music stored on my computer, plus certiin purchased VERY Favorite praise and worship songs) then I prayed.
I was not planning on skipping church on Sunday, it really does give me the boost I need to get through the week, but I was so reminded, that I hadn't been praising as much as I should have been.

Lately, when I prayed, it was just that, I wasn't being a responsible Christian and thanking God for what he had done, or was doing, or even what he is GOing to do in my life, and those of my family.

So I walk into church yesterday morning, Lauren and I. I go to my usual seat (since I can only handle walking so far on the graded floor) sit down and flip through my bulliton. I see we have a spaghetti dinner benifit for the pastor who was injured in the car accident on May 9. I would like to go, not for the dinner, but because its important to support those who need it like they were there for me when I had my complications back in February.
Then during announcements, this Saturday, May 3, we have a Ladies Luncheon for Mothers day. Oh how I felt I needed to go, but it was $12, thats a lot for just me. So I came home and asked Chris. We debated back and forth til we realized that Monday May 5 is when our Bush rebate should be deposited. I will buy my ticket on Wednesday. I am so excited.

Then I did something I dont normally do, I went back Sunday evening. My leg was killing me, and the sitting didn't help, but Oh man was the service good. It was a youth service. Our youth pastor preached, over a third of the congregation was teenagers. He spoke on the fight going on between Satan and Man. A very powerful message especially at this time. The kids did an awesome job doing the rest of the service as well.

Lauren was at Kids fun Night and she had a blast, she made a friend, and cried when I came to get her, so I let her play for a few moments while I talked to a couple of the moms. It felt so nice to talk to someone over the age of 5 without being at a medical appointment or being interrupted by said 5 year old.
We will return on Wednesday, I am so excited.

Many people think they don't need church, I don't NEED church, but I do need what Church provides....feeding and fellowship. While I get to read my bible at home, and I get to pray at home, Its just not the same.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Great Day

Well, today was another amazing day.
Chris had the day off, I know that its going to be hard having him on 4 days, but right now, it was great. Having him home, he was really happy and we had a great time together.

We went to Meijer this morning, got lots of really good deals (and a raincheck)
They had another sale of Buy 10 items get the 11th free.

I also got a bag of Dry Pinto beans, I am determined to learn how to cook them from dry. I will be attempting Refried beans and other bean dishes calling for pintos. They are a very cheap form of protein, and I would love to see how much we can save. My goal is one Meatless meal per week right now, hopefully to increase that on a monthly basis.

Then this afternoon we hit CVS. We got new toothbrushes and earned $3 in ECBs to make it even more worth while. I finished off a gift card from them as well.

Now as evening aproaches, I am enjoying some nice quiet, and relaxation before bed. I love the fact that Chris and Lauren are getting along today, Lauren is behaving and all is well in our little world.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Making Progress

Today was a great day at Physical Therapy. I learned I am still not quite ready for a cane and still need the walker for a little longer, but we are going to practice that more next week.
I took 1000 steps on the nustep at Level 2, I like a tangible goal, Tuesday I was in so much pain I barely made 500 steps. I also managed to average about 90 steps per minute...that was just very exciting to me.

We graduated to the green hurdles, I still don't like hurdles, and next week we may not be using them because of the practice walking one handed. I also am working on lunges and steps.

Its so nice to leave there in immense pain because my body is improving daily.

I guess every once in a while you have to look at where you came from to see the progress.
I have been going to outpatient Physical therapy for 5 weeks now. When I started I was in tears after doing many of the exercises. The NuStep, I made all of 122 steps in over 10 minutes, and I was in so much pain I didn't think I would be able to do ANYTHING ever again. I was doing all basic exercises like kicking, stretching, and then some mat exercises. Now, I do those same exercises at home, and am getting new things in Therapy. I am excited by seeing how far I have come.
I wasn't even wearing shoes til 3 weeks ago. And how exciting of a day was that.

God has been so good to me through this. He has put people in my life that I can talk to about him or that could minister to me through the stress. He has given me an awesome church to attend, with an awesome pastor and lots of people who really took the time to care about me while I was gone and now that I am back.
He protected me when my lungs weren't getting enough oxygen and when my heart stopped. God has graced me with his presense every time I notice that the headaches are getting Really bad. There is no better feeling than to know that God is going to use this experience to really bless someone else.

Its just an awesome day and I am so glad that This is the Day the Lord has made, I just had to rejoice and be glad in it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I hate Hospital Gowns

I went through a lot of work this morning making sure I had no metal on me except my glasses, but guess what, They made me wear a gown anyhow, I was so bummed.

My MRI's went almost smoothly, they had to repeat the very first sequence because apparently I moved. How you can move when they have you pretty tightly padded in there is beyond me, but it was an extremely long sequence on the functional MRI. I timed it by counting the seconds by in my head, can you tell I was bored? Most sequences in a normal MRI are 15-45 seconds, the ones for the Functional MRI were over 2 minutes and the MRV ones lasted close to three minutes, fortunately they only had two or three sequences that I remember counting. The entire process took just over 90 minutes for 3 MRI's and my back HURTS.

After spending time at home trying to recover, Chris got home from work and I went to physical therapy, still not moving well and in lots of pain today my hour session took nearly an hour and 15 minutes, oops. Hopefully I will be feeling better on Thursday and we will get to add something new, I am now doing quite a few of the exercises at home now.

Tonight will be an early night, I am tired and in a good deal of pain.

Lots on my mind too, I was browsing a prayer request on one of my groups that I get in digest and discovered that my church has been praying for the same accident victim as the home school list. He is actually a pastor of a local church of my denomination. He was in a car accident a few weeks ago and broke his back and I believe neck. The doctors gave a bad report on his progress, but we believe that by the grace of God he will recover. I know that oftentimes people forget that God is still God even when things aren't going well.
I know our church will be heading over to theirs for a service sometime soon and I look forward to going. Even with my walker...because I know that God is still in control of my body and has chosen to heal me by working it...and it just may be the way he chooses to heal this brother too....going through the trials does not break us but rather it builds us UP.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Far from Perfect

Well its hard to believe we got a LOT accomplished but it is FAR from perfect in the long run.
I got a lot of dishes done, we got the livingroom mostly picked up, the kitchen too, but it is far from what I had hoped for.

Its funny how so much work can seem so disappointing when its all done.

I got Lauren's bag packed for tomorrow. I am hoping for an easy day tomorrow at the hospital and that she behaves exceptionally well.

Tonight was great, I got to talk to a good friend of mine on the phone who has been on my mind for several months. She is going through a lot emotionally, physically and in her marriage and could use prayer. My heart breaks for her as she has always been such a source of strength for me. Tonight I wish I lived about 4 hours south so instead of it being a phone conversation it could have been in person, I would have just hugged her as we talked. I think we both would have done a lot of Crying.
God is good that way by providing us friends with shoulders to cry on.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lets Get it done

I am proud of myself, We ate at home today, I followed my menu plan (I am really bad about those), but I NEED to stick with it right now since we just lost a days worth of pay.

Tomorrow we are kinda taking a day off of school to clean the kitchen and livingroom. My mother in law will be here on Tuesday and it must be done before she comes. Its not going to take us all day, but I will reward Lauren for what gets done since she will be doing most of the work. We call it Home Economics, since she gets to help cook as well as clean. I was never taught those skills so I feel that these days are almost more important in our school days.

I found a really cool step by step how to clean here
that we have been using. It has made it a LOT easier to get through even though it takes us more than 15 minutes per room.

Our goal is not perfection at this point, but rather comsistency.

Now Mother in law wont say anything about my house because of my health at this point, but I would rather have it very VERY presentable for her anyhow. She is coming to take me to my MRI's on Tuesday morning, I have to be in Downtown Detroit at 8am, that feels SO early since the original appointment was scheduled for 8:45am.

I will get the results at my May 12th appointment, It seems eons away but I have to remember I have to see the Neuro-Opthalmologist first, and I see him May 5th.

Have you ever wondered...

I wonder a lot, I think about lots of things.
Right now, I am wondering if I am being punished by people praying for me over all thats going on with my health.

Ok, OK, I know prayer isn't a bad thing in reality. But, I already know God is going to take care of all of this in HIS time. I already know what steps have to be gone through, he has given me the info ahead of time for almost 19 years now (The problem started in July of 1989, and I literally had my first dream after the first two weeks of nonstop headache)

I have known since I was just over 13 years old that this would minister to LOTS of people, I have watched it change lives. I have also known that this problem would continue until I went through a certain procedure which I have not yet been through. I saw the headaches come back in the dreams before I even had the first shunt put in. But the shunt had to be put in, it was part of God's plan, and I enjoyed the just over 4 years I was totally free of the headaches.

Now for the reason I wonder if I am being punished, I doubt it but still the thought crosses my mind often. I was sitting in church this morning. Pastor came up and prayed for me (and many others who are not well) and I wasn't in a lot of pain....til I got home. I had anticipated going to the evening service as well, but even nearly 3 1/2 hours later I can still barely move. I have had lots of bouts of intense pain over the last two months, but this is one of the worst. I almost feel that when I get prayed over God is reminding me that its HIS time not mine, last week there was even a word about Faith and God wanting us to remember that even as we go through the struggles, he will bring us to the other side of that Valley in HIS time and we will be stronger for it.

I had actually ASKED for that word. I asked very specifically if my faith was still there because I had almost felt abandoned the last few weeks. I wanted a real answer to know that I hadn't lost the faith, and that I needed it renewed and rejuvinated. He gave me just what I asked for, Then, he reminded me that he is still in control.
Now I feel like I am begging when I pray about feeling better or even Chris's salvation. I know it will happen in his time, I just am not a very patient person, especially right now.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

How Much?

Well trials have hit yet again this time we are in the midst of a big one.
On top of my medical stuff going on yesterday Chris came home from work, let me know he is down to 4 days per week.

That is enough to keep his insurance but not enough to pay the bills.
It has been so hard lately to make ends meet as it is. but it just keeps getting tougher and tougher.

I keep telling myself God always provides our needs. And he does. Right now though, I feel as if its just too much piling up on top of us.
I am tired, very tired, Partly from being sick constantly for the last 6 months again, and partly because these trials just dont seem to back off.

I saw my neurologist yesterday, he is proud of my progress...that makes me happy because at least he knows I am trying. I see him again in a month.

Today I went shopping with Lauren, I am so not ready to do that kind of thing alone. My leg hurts SO bad now, its even worse than normal because it hurts all the way up.
Its so discouraging when you cant handle a simple shopping trip without feeling like you are going to die when you get home. I guess since I will likely still be sore at therapy on Tuesday I will talk to Cathy about that to see if we can do something to stretch out those muscles. I missed her so bad on Thursday, I never realized how much I liked her til she took some time off. She is an amazing woman when it comes to caring for her patients, not that Laura isn't but she had her hands really full basically carrying a double load for 3 days.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thank heavens its Thursday

That means my week is almost over.

While today should be an ok day, its bee one of those weeks.
Lauren is having some issues with paying attention to her body and has had several accidents this week. I attribute it mostly to my being sick and her getting drawn into a cool new computer learning game here

On Saturday my sister in law gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that I am dying to get to see. The pictures are just remarkable but I want to give them enough time to get settled since people did not give us that courtesy when Lauren was born.

Tuesday I found out my Physical Therapist wont be there today. She is a foster mom and yesterday was their TPR hearing, she was really feeling torn just wanting whats best for the kids. I can't wait til Tuesday to hear what happened, Almost everyone I know I asked to pray for her family. She felt though that taking the rest of the week off would be in the best interest of the kids, she is so awesome and plans to try adopting the children if the TPR does go through.

Then yesterday my sister and I got into it over waiting on God. Personally, I believe God expects us to take a lot of steps in blind faith. I don't believe we are to wait for his approval for things because he gives us the freedom of choice. Also if he was going to answer specifically what would the purpose of Romans 8:28 be? All things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose. That tells me that somethings aren't going to go good but yet he is going to work them for his glory anyhow. Needless to say I asked if she was going to wait til she in essence missed the next boat too and she hung up on me. Since I can't handle that kind of stress and have enough in my family (Chris and Lauren give me enough stress in any given week where I don't need extra) I basically told her I would talk to her after she got moved. The sad thing, we are looking to move to where she is at around September. While I know we will be speaking by then, I am not going down to be friends with her, I am going because we need the lesser cost of living with jobs that pay about the same as what Chris makes now.

This afternoon Laura will be taking care of Cathy's patients, so I am pretty sure I will be doing just the basic therapy that we have been going through, nothing new since she won't be there to assign it. My routine is pretty set at therapy anyhow. I start with the Nustep and I am so proud that I am averaging about 60 steps per minute now even on level 2, then I do the hurdles (which I dont like) then the kicks forward, back, and sides, then hamstring curls with 2lb ankle weights on...those hurt the left leg a lot but its working to strengthen. Then I wander over to the mat and do more kicks with weights on while sitting and ball and band exercises.
At home I do a lot of the band exercises and the standing ones, but they aren't nearly as easy at home, the parallel bars help with my balance...oh ya and I do marches for balance, its really off.

Tomorrow is my appointment with the neurologist. We will be discussing what happened at the neurosurgeons appointment and whether we want to schedule another spinal this point, today I would say yes, but most days, I wouldn't I have to be in a lot of pain to want one, and I hope to not be in that kind of pain tomorrow.

Monday, April 14, 2008

This is the day that the LORD has made!

Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Today was a great day. For the most part nothing went wrong. What did go wrong, was easily fixed. God really had his hand on our family today and for that I am grateful.

It seems recently we have had so many trials that we forget to look at the good thigns God is doing. There are plenty of good things going on, I am getting better, I can even take about 3 steps without the walker. Lauren is learning lots for school and otherwise. Chris has a job, he is working even though he isn't happy, he is employeed and we have insurance, it may not be the best coverage, but we have it.
So often we forget to thank God for what we don't deserve.

Have you taken the time to count your blessings lately?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


This morning was so amazing. I have missed being in church so much. Even though last week was my first week back God has really been blessing me when I go. This morning Pastor didn't even get to preach. The Holy Spirit fell from the moment the praise and worship started.

I love services like that, Words of wisdom, strength, and encouragement just kept coming today. I know at least one was a direct answer to a prayer of mine. I love how God even used my exact words about How I needed to know that my faith was not gone and how I needed reassurance that Everything would happen in GODS time. Not my time, but HIS.

After church, I wasn't very bright and headed to Kroger for some good deals. That was so not smart of me, it wore me down really good. I have been so tired ever since. Hopefully a good nights sleep will help the headaches.
I was planning on returning tonight, but just didn't have it in me. Hopefully Wednesday will be a good day and we will get to go then.

Tomorrow we are going to work on some structured school with Lauren. She is learning about Giraffes and going to be working on some math and phonics and handwriting.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Much Better

Well, after my rant about her behaviour she improved dramatically, that was the ONLY time out we had all day and no other attitude adjustments needed to be made.

The headache was bad all day, never did improve, its still pretty bad today but not as bad. The thing I don't understand is how it affects the rest of my body.

I went to Physical Therapy yesterday almost in tears...the drive there hurt, the walk into the building hurt, the exercises were almost as hard as the first day. I know we are going to have setbacks where some days are harder than others, but yesterday was a LOT harder than I expected.
We did go over our goals, since I was extremely upset yesterday with the pain, I was kinda stressed over not being able to walk yet when the therapy time was supposed to be up. So my Wonderful God send of a Physical Therapist, Cathy, went over the paperwork she sends off to the doctors office. Uh Oh, While we are making progress, her goals for me have not even been completely met for the first 6 visits, she figures it will be at least 7-8 weeks or more since we are having slower progress than she was expecting.
While I am doing the home exercises, the pain reduction isnt there for the 6 visits. By the end she wants me to be able to walk for 30 minutes without the walker and go easily up and down the stairs, hmm, she isn't quite as sure on that one anymore either.

I am just happy we are making ANY progress, but some days, it seems like its NEVER going to end. Thank God that he is our strength, especially when we dont have any in ourself.

After Chris got home from work, things went back downhill with Lauren, I think we really need to work on her temper control.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

off to a rough start

This week has been one battle after another. Its not always been a bad battle, but its been an interesting challenge.

This morning it was Lauren's behaviour, OH MY GOODNESS, that child can get into SO much trouble. This morning it was her traditional sassy attitude coupled with her all out disrespect of others.

Now normally, I can handle those things with little trouble, but today, my headaches are worse than normal, my patience is significantly less, and her stinky attitude really got the better of me, she wound up spending half an hour in her room adjusting her attitude because we discipline a bit differently. You can come down when you are ready to act appropriately, whenever that happens to be...BUT if you are still not behaving, you get to return to where you started.

She is back down now, and behaving a bit better. She was totally apologetic, but I still explained that being apologetic does not solve the problem if you go do the EXACT same thing a second third or more time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sleep Sweet

Last night I got an Almost full night sleep. I used my CPAP in the livingroom to try to adjust to it since I dont want to wake DH up while I toss and turn and fiddle with it.

I actually only woke up at my usual time 2:33am I am used to that as it has happened every night since I had the shunt removed now.

Other than that, I actually slept from about 11pm-6am, it felt good. I will sleep in the livingroom through Thursday night and hopefully by then I will be fully adjusted and be able to come back in the bedroom.


Jumping through Hoops, Hop Hop Hop, Wow, is that frustrating. The MRI I was positive I had in 2001 wound up being a ct scan, I pick up the reports on May 5th, so I called the hospital where I was diagnosed, they have MRI's from both 1998 and 2000, HOWEVER, the big catch, they do NOT have films anymore. So I am getting reports mailed to me, I am aiming to get my spinal tap records as well.

This morning I finished scheduling my appointments, Now my schedule looks kinda like this April 18, Neurologist, April 22, Mri, MrV, CINE MRI, April 30, Pulmonologist, May 5 Neuro Opthamologist, May 12 Neurosurgeon, plus, I have physical therapy every Tuesday and Thursday til May 1 at the very earliest.

At least its all scheduled now.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Well That was a Surprise

This morning I had my appointment with the new Doc. I was so not prepared for what he had to say. I think I expected him to say we can redo the surgery, or we can do this other procedure, or that he couldn't really do anything at all.

Thats not what happpened at all....he is sending me back to the Neuro Opthamologist, I haven't seen one of them in a LONG time and he is sending me for more tests, three MRI's to be precise. So--On April 22, I go in and have an MRI of the brain, with and without contrast, an MRV of the Brain, and a CINE MRI of the brain. Then on May 5, I go see the new neuro opthamologist at the big eye clinic here. Tomorrow morning I will call and schedule my follow up with him since he wanted to see me after my tests were done. I also have to pick up my 2001 MRI from the other hospital, so I have to order that as well.

Now I am tired, but at the same time, I am very happy since he was amazingly thorough I have never had a doc check the back things before and check to see if this may not even be PTC but be caused my something else.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Its been an Amazing Weekend

Oh its been so long since I have been able to say that.

Friday we had a great time as a family.

Saturday morning, I went to pick up my CPAP machine and was trained on how to clean and care for it. I tried Sleeping with it Saturday night, its going to take a while to get used to since my pressure setting is 11. It wakes me up as soon as it hits full pressure every time.
I will continue to sleep in the living room, but tonight I am skipping the machine because I have to drive myself to my doctors appointment in Detroit tomorrow morning and I need to be able to sleep at least 3 hours straight.

This morning I got to go to church for the first time since the end of January. It was great, I missed it so much and I was actually missed as well. It felt really really good to be so welcomed and everyone asking how I was doing. I love my church.
This mornings service was on Abraham, and ironically how sometimes we have to go through things that aren't pleasant. He focused on how so often when something good happens we claim it as a blessing, but when something bad happens we rebuke the devil. In my case, I realized a long time ago, that God allows us to go through things, its our job though to learn from those circumstances and really grow from them. Always share Gods love wherever you are in whatever circumstances you happen to come upon. God is always a part of a Christian's life and he must be glorified even when the unpleasant things occur.

Romans 8:28 says All things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose. It does not say SOME things, but rather ALL things, that would include the things that aren't pleasant. The things I have been through and have yet to go through are for a reason. I may not know what that reason is, but I do know that God is allowing it and I do know that he expects me to get something from it....what I take from this, and what my family takes because they are going through it with still to be seen, but I do know its coming.

Ok, I am off my soapbox for now. Tomorrow I see the new Neurosurgeon, and I am actually kinda excited...I don't know what he is going to say, but I do know that a doctor I trust is sending me and I know that everythign will be ok.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I Can Wear Shoes

Ok, I am just a little thrilled, they barely tie, but I got my tennis shoes on today for the first time since February 1, 2008. I am very happy. Hopefully this will help my balance a lot during physical therapy.


I am finally seeing some during Therapy.

Ok, I realize I have been making progress since I started home care on February 14th, but now I am actually seeing just how much progress I am making in Physical Therapy. On Thursday last week, I was able to take 122 steps on the Nustep, Tuesday I made 500 steps, Thursday this week, I made 600 steps. Now that's progress.

We also started some different standing exercises, they are a LOT harder than the ones I had been doing, and I knocked over the hurdles almost every trip across them both forwards and side to side. She also has me working on my core muscles since everything kinda went limp while I was working on getting my legs working again. Those exercises on my back are murder. It takes every bit of concentration to make it through them and often more than I actually have. I hate being on my back period, it still really hurts, but even more with the exercise balls keeping your legs elevated that high.

Saturday I go pick up my CPAP machine, my family will stay home and I will go as the DME (durable medical equipment) company is right down the road from our house. On Monday we get the fun of figuring out how I am going to get to my appointment. My Father In Law was supposed to take me but his aunt died on Thursday and the funeral is Monday. DH is checking with his coworker to see if he can take him out to lunch, if he can, I will drive to my appointment and just take Lauren with me. While that is not ideal, at least I will be in enough pain where they wont be able to question the need to fix the pressure. Well, I am off to MDot to see where the construction is for Friday's appointment.

Have a Blessed day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why Do YOU homeschool?

First off, our homeschooling has changed tremendously since August when our new year started. Lauren is still working at a Kindergarten/1st/2nd grade level but when I got sick, we became significantly more ecclectic only focusing on what she needed to focus on for the day.

I would love tobe a true unschooler, but I just don't have it in me. We must do SOMETHING that looks schoolish. I don't know why, but thats just how I am. Anyhow, yesterday while doing math (our focus has been the 3 R's only) we ended up stopping completely to review and practice making 3's. She has been struggling with making them the proper way. My friends say thats normal, my sister who is a teachers assistant at a private school says that they don't fuss about it at this age. ME, Not so much. Why allow her to continue making them incorrectly when she knows how to make them right and with practice and focus, she WILL make them correctly.

I know most places would have not even marked her down because her answers were almost all correct except for the backwords 3's. We don't do grades at this point, so we did the next best thing, I found a new cool website for teachers with a LOT of number printables, so she can practice. She then turned around and made birthday invitations with our phone number on them (which has a 3 in it) while I was at Therapy...and guess what the 3s were still backwords, so guess what her focus is til I see her writing her numbers facing the right way.

I guess I may be making a big deal out of it,but as DH and I were talking, we realize that that is why we homeschool. We can correct a problem for as long as it takes til its done the way we expect it. Its not going to slip through the cracks as often because its our expectations she has to meet not the state's or school district.

I am just glad that we have the privilege to educate our children the way we see fit and to focus on correcting what we feel is important. I know in other parts of this world that isnt the case. Even other parts of this country are a lot more challenging.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Well, That didn't work

Todays menu has been changed to Rally's. My Boneless Skinless Chicken thighs had bones and skins so that meal has been postponed until further notice. I am glad I had not put the sauce in yet or I would have wasted a lot.

So I will try this again later, I will pick the meat off the bones the skin and bones out of the pot, and see what we get, then I will add the seasoning and heat over the stove probably over the weekend sometime.

I guess that it thought I was Fooling when I planned to make that today.

Off to Physical Therapy. Today aught to be interesting. I am having a lot of pain in my legs and hips today and my headaches have been REALLY really Bad as well. Ugh.

Hopefully it won't be too bad and I can have some more courage when we are done.

Today I haven't felt very positive since everything seems to be wearing on me.
God really needs to give me some strength. Its hard to believe that some days are a lot harder than others, but I do know that God is in control and he will give me the strength I need to get through these challenges.